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2d Systems Operations Squadron

Operate and sustain the Air Force’s $322M strategic weather high performance computing center to deliver authoritative environmental intelligence to decision makers across the spectrum of global operations.

Personnel and Resources 
2 SYOS is a 89-member squadron of military and civilian professionals that provides strategic-to operational-level specialized airpower by uniquely supporting the communication, computing, and programming needs of the highly-technical, data intensive Air Force Weather global enterprise. The squadron is comprised of two flights: Operations and Data. Collectively, they form the core of the weather enterprise engine.

2 SYOS operates the AF’s largest Special Purpose Processing Node, the linchpin force enabler for the Air Force weather enterprise, generating thousands of critical environmental products and services to weather forecasters and operational end users every day, on a global scale. They maintain DoD's tactical weather location identifier program which ensures transmission of and access to vital weather information at deployed and oftentimes austere operating locations across the globe.

Our professionals coordinate and perform operational analysis on receiving 680K and delivering 2.4M files daily. They apply over 20,000 system patches annually to mitigate security vulnerabilities across 78 production platforms, ensure data integrity across 90 databases, and enable DoD's sole space weather warning capability to secure our country’s $104B strategic satellite fleet.


(Current as of August 2022)