The 2d Weather Support Squadron provides persistent and proactive Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) in the Weather Enterprises Mission Relevant Terrain - Cyber (MRT-C) to assure Trans-regional, Multifunctional, Multi-domain capabilities, mitigating cyber threats across the competition continuum.
Personnel and Resources
The 2d Weather Support Squadron is comprised of military and civilian technical experts in the cyber security functional area with support from subject matter experts from the weather career field. The Squadron is organized into two flights that enable and execute defensive cyber operations to provide mission assurance of weather systems in the cyber domain.
The 2d Weather Support Squadron is the AFW's premier Cyber Squadron, enabling highly skilled cyber operators utilizing tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) to provide defensive cyber operations for securing the global mission of the 557WW and mission partners. The objective of the Cyber Squadron is to effectively manage critical operational information, logistical, and intelligence (cyber) functions to enable command decision making superiority of the 557WW mission.
Cyber Protection Flight (CYP)
Ensures that personnel are properly trained to defend Mission Relevant Terrain - Cyber (MRT-C) in cyberspace. Trains and provides cyber personnel for the squadron’s Cyber Defense Team (CDT). The flight maintains expertise on information, control, weapons, and platform systems used by the wing. Operates virtualized environments that facilitate training of Cyber Defense Team personnel
Cyberspace Support Flight (CYS)
Performs Functional Mission Analysis – Cyber (FMA-C) to map the MRT-C and maintains FMA-C database. Tracks and organizes Higher Headquarters orders and schedules formal cyber-crew training requirements for the CDT. Schedules and performs maintenance on the weapons system used by the CDT to ensure the 557WW mission is secured.
(Current as of August 2022)