
Logic tree used for determining coding for a D-UTC

The logic tree used to determine proper coding for a D-UTC. The first digit of a P-code will be either a “D” for a standard deployable UTC or an “A” for an associate UTC. A-UTCs are not aligned with a standard UTC and typically apply to 3-skill level Airmen, Chief Master Sergeants, and Colonels. D-UTCs are the type normally tagged for deployment. The next character of a P-code is either P, W, or X. A “P” indicates the UTC provides direct support to a combatant command from home station; such as the 28th Operational Weather Squadron’s support to U.S. Central Command. A “W” indicates the UTC is available for tasking during all conditions such as all out war or a short-term crisis. Most commonly, this applies to a portion of the UTCs in an operations support squadron’s weather flight. Finally, an “X” is used to define the minimum home station requirement of the unit; however, as long as sufficient manpower remains behind to sustain the home station mission, the UTC may be deployed. Those operations support squadron weather flight UTCs not coded with a “W” are normally coded with an X. The last character of the P-code is either S or X. An “S” indicates the UTC is available for deployment. An “X” denotes UTCs that are not normally available for deployment during an AEF rotation without exceeding the unit’s capability to sustain critical home station operations. While a UTC ending in “S” is more likely to be deployed before one ending in “X,” all UTCs, regardless of P-code, can be deployed during any AEF rotation.

PHOTO BY: Unknown
VIRIN: 061108-F-PZI36-806.JPG
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