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2d Combat Weather Systems Squadron

Innovate, test, and exploit environmental systems technology.

Personnel and Resources
The 2d Combat Weather Systems Squadron (2 CWSS) consists of 64 geographically separated military and civilian professionals. Two flights located at Hurlburt Field are functionally aligned with three distinct mission sets; Fixed-based and Tactical Weather Systems Test and Evaluation, Environmental Systems Exploitation and Collection, and Weather Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Development. An operational section located at Offutt AFB enacts Strategic Weather Systems Test and Evaluation. Each capability 2 CWSS provides is exclusive to the global Air Force mission and impacts every facet of terrestrial-based Air Force weather operations for the Department of Defense.

2 CWSS is the sole Operational Test Organization for Air Force Weather Weapon Systems. Operational testers partner with contractors, MAJCOM Staff, and Air Force program managers to evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of the Air Force Weather Weapons System – to include equipment, hardware, software, and tactics, techniques, and procedures for an advantageous asymmetric inventory of capabilities. Weather systems include equipment such as the Tactical Meteorological Observation System, Portable Doppler Radar, FMQ-19, and Air Force Weather-Web Services. 2 CWSS also tests software and hardware to evaluate the effectiveness, suitability, reliability, usability and sustainability of strategic global environmental intelligence products and services delivered to warfighters.

2 CWSS develops sensing strategies through collection teams to optimize full spectrum operations, resource protection, and environmental intelligence superiority in permissive and semi-permissive environments. 2 CWSS also interfaces with ACC to facilitate submissions and testing of Tactics Improvement Proposals across the Air Force Weather enterprise. Environmental Tactics specialists capture lessons learned and apply operational and technical experiences to develop Weather Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for increased asymmetric advantage.

(Current as of August 2022)