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Fixed Base Weather Observation System – AN/FMQ-23


The AN/FMQ-23 is an integrated system of weather sensors that measure, collect, and disseminate meteorological data to help meteorologists, pilots, and flight dispatchers prepare and monitor weather forecasts, plan flight routes and provide necessary information for safe takeoffs and landings.


The AN/FMQ-23 consists of 8 different sensors that measure wind speed/direction, rain accumulation, lightning occurrence/location/frequency, cloud height/coverage, temperature/humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation type/intensity, freezing rain occurrence, ambient light and visibility.

A complete and installed FMQ-23 consists of a primary sensor group, optional secondary sensor group, and a central processing station running the AWA® (Airport Weather Advisor) software. The airfield stations measure meteorological parameters and send the data to the central computer to report a wide range of weather information.

Maintainers are able to access system configurations and controls by interfacing with the AWA® software which is located on the central processing station. The software’s ability to configure sensors as required provides a flexible solution to the necessity of automated weather sensing.


The AN/FMQ-23 has been installed at 16 locations around the world and has been providing weather data for various organizations since the first installation in 2013. The system has seen multiple updates to its components.  Improvements to data measurement parameters generate more accurate data and ensure end users are equipped with information needed to support DoD operations.



General characteristics


Primary function: Measure and report meteorological data

Contractor: Mesotech International

Communication link: Fiber optic cabling

Structures: 30 ft tower, 10 ft tower, precipitation accumulation sensor, lightning detector, cloud height sensor, AC distribution and communication pedestal




(Current as of July 2016)